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COVID-19: Health Care Resources for Low-Income Floridians

Last week, the Medicaid Matters Florida coalition hosted a virtual event titled 'COVID-19: Health Care Resources for Low-Income Floridians.’

Anne Swerlick from the Florida Policy Institute, Alison Yager from the Florida Health Justice Project, and Tomica Smith from Florida Voices for Health discussed the latest on where and how Medicaid enrollees, the uninsured, and recently unemployed can access coverage, tests and treatment across the state. We also explored the latest federal and state health care policy changes in response to the pandemic. Finally, we shared different solutions available to Florida’s elected leaders and how Floridians can take action to make those solutions a reality.

You can download a transcript to the following questions asked during the presentation:

  1. I don't have health insurance. Where can I go for testing, or if I think I need care?

  2. I’m worried that if I go to get tested or treated for COVID-19, it will count against me in my immigration application.

  3. I'm worried about losing Medicaid for me and my children. I am supposed to recertify soon to keep this coverage. However, that's even harder now with the closures of DCF offices and the library, so it's tough for me to get on a computer. What can I do?

  4. Has DCF taken any steps to make it easier to apply for Medicaid?

  5. What do I do if Medicaid says I need a co-pay for my doctor visit or hospitalization?

  6. I’m on Medicaid. Can I get my prescriptions filled for more than 30 days?

  7. My mom has been in the hospital with coronavirus for a few weeks. The Medicaid managed

  8. care company told my mother that they will have to discharge her on her 45th day. Is that right?

  9. My mom is in a nursing home, covered by Medicaid. Her redetermination is coming up in May. Do I still need to prepare for that?

  10. What other changes has the Florida Medicaid program made to help beneficiaries get the care they need?

  11. I just lost my job that provided health benefits, what are my options? Do I automatically qualify for Medicaid? Should I consider a short-term health plan?

  12. Congress recently passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. Are there any parts of the new law that help people who have no coverage or people already covered by Medicaid?

  13. It's clear that there already is and there will continue to be a growing need for health care in our state. What policies can we be looking at next to make sure people who need care get it.

If you have any additional questions please email us at


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