As GOP Pushes Repeal, Obamacare Has Never Been More Popular: NBC News/WSJ poll
As Republicans get closer to repealing it, President Barack Obama's federal health-care law — or Obamacare — has never been more popular, according to results from a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal.
And half of Americans — 50 percent — say they have little to no confidence that Republican proposals to replace the law will make things better.
The poll finds 45 percent of respondents believing that the health-care law is a good idea, which is the highest percentage here since the NBC/WSJ poll began asking the question in April 2009.
As Republicans get closer to repealing it, President Barack Obama's federal health-care law — or Obamacare — has never been more popular, according to results from a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal.
And half of Americans — 50 percent — say they have little to no confidence that Republican proposals to replace the law will make things better.
The poll finds 45 percent of respondents believing that the health-care law is a good idea, which is the highest percentage here since the NBC/WSJ poll began asking the question in April 2009.
Yet while the national polls weren't that far off — Hillary Clinton beat Trump by two points in the popular vote, 48 percent to 46 percent — this NBC/WSJ poll and other post-election surveys don't depend on pollsters' assumptions about which voters will come to the polls. Instead, they are measuring current public opinion among all Americans, not just voters or likely voters.