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Local Clinic is My Only Health Option

By Raymond F., Alachua County

I just can't afford any type of health insurance, and I’m not able to qualify for Medicaid either. For as long as I can remember, I’ve never had any health insurance.

I’ve been coming to the Equal Access clinic for a little over a year. Before I found this clinic, I went to Azalea Health clinic. They have sites all over Gainesville and operate on a sliding scale. They charge around $20 for a visit. I use the clinics pretty frequently so that I can get my medication refills to treat my depression and diabetes. I can get some of my medications from Publix for free. The others cost around $15 for a few months’ supply.

Due to my illnesses I’m not able to work. I've been trying to get disability since 2018. Like most people I have been denied a few times. Luckily, I’ve not had to use the Emergency Room for care. If Florida expanded the Medicaid program it would be great for me. It’s real rough to live in Florida without access to health care.


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